Partnership Overview

Over two decades, the collaboration between AGH University of Krakow and Shibaura Institute of Technology (Tokyo, Japan) has evolved into a rich network of academic exchange, research synergy, and cultural integration. Beginning in 2004, this partnership set forth a mutual growth and advancement trajectory deeply rooted in the shared commitment to academic excellence and technological innovation. The cooperation includes exchange programs for academic research staff and students.

The partnership has also facilitated enriching opportunities for student engagement and international educational experiences. At its core, this collaboration has fostered a dynamic exchange of knowledge and expertise focused on research (mainly related to energy and materials engineering), student exchange, and a double degree program for master and postgraduate studies Energy and Environmental Engineering. In 2012, we launched the so-called „Sandwich Program,” which allows an exchange program for bachelor students at AGH and SIT. Since 2013, we have periodically organized winter/summer school of Energy. The double degree program resulted from the Katamaran Project, financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange. Initially, the project created a full-time joint master’s study between AGH University and SIT (Resolution No. 60/2021 of the AGH University Senate of May 26, 2021). It developed to be a full-time double degree program, namely Energy and Environmental Engineering, at the Faculty of Energy and Fuels on June 30, 2021 (Rector Decision No. 4/KK/2021). These programs allow our students to have the chance to immerse themselves in diverse academic environments, gain invaluable cross-cultural perspectives, and forge lifelong connections with peers from around the globe. These experiences have played a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of global leaders and innovators, whether through joint academic projects, internships, or cultural immersion activities.

Moreover, the collaboration between AGH and SIT has extended beyond academia to catalyze broader institutional cooperation and industry partnerships. Additionally, participation in the Strategic Partnerships (SP) project leads to developing and strengthening cooperation between AGH and SIT universities. The project’s main objective is to carry out research and teaching tasks between 2022 and 2024 aimed at obtaining a double diploma from both Universities at level 7 of the European Qualification Framework within the Energy and Environmental Engineering program. In addition to joint research projects, collaborative seminars, and faculty exchanges, scholars from both institutions have had the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research ventures, pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery and technological application and maintaining sustainable scientific cooperation.

Over two decades, this partnership has strengthened both institutions’ academic and research capabilities and served as a beacon of collaboration and cooperation in an increasingly interconnected world. Approximately 150 students of AGH and SIT are participating in exchanges and internship programs, including mobility within the Erasmus+ Programme. It also produced eight doctorate double degrees and five international research projects supported by the European Commission, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, NAWA, NCN, and PAN. Ultimately, 80 papers were published in renowned journals from the Philadelphia list.

As we look towards the future, the enduring legacy of this partnership serves as a testimony to the power of international collaboration in advancing knowledge, driving innovation, and creating positive social impact.

Moments in Lens